The past snow days have shown me how blessed we can be and not realize it! Got home yesterday afternoon from the Harbor Scrapbook weekend in Camp Hill PA. Because of the incoming snow storm, rather than cancel, we opened up the crop room on Thursday for croppers to start and the hotel let everyone stay as long as they wanted on Sunday!! An extended crop!
With 83 BRAVE croppers and more time, I was able to wander around and see the different creating going on.
I was able to get great vacation ideas from Kathy for Lake Tobias. Be sure to check it out!
I had more meaningful conversation with everyone. The Come and Play Card Buffet was great fun and full of giggles:
The kids had a fantastic time playing in the snow…especially digging out Binny’s car and playing in the HUGE snow pile from plowing out the parking lot!
Snow days do make for blessed days and I am grateful!!
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