Hello my amazing customers!
I wanted to share my progress towards earning the Incentive Trip for 2023. I’m almost there, thanks to hard work and you all! I have 1400 points left to go and 15 days left. I’m asking for your help to reach this goal. How can you help? Here’s my big ask:
▪Place an order. $1 – 1 point. 🙏🏻
▪Refer your like minded crafty friends to me. The more the merrier. Invite them to order and to my Crafty Friends FB Group! 🙏🏻
🥳🙏🏻Special offers during September 2023 for YOU as a thank you!!🙏🏻🥳
▪I’m offering a rebate of $9.00 (free shipping) back to you, with any $100 retail total after VIP credit and before shipping/handling/tax.
▪If you place two orders this month, with the retail total is $100 retail total after VIP credit and before shipping/handling/tax, I’ll rebate back $9.00.
▪Prize Giveaways – for every 10 customers placing $25 orders, I’m giving away prizes! The prize album is located in Linda Creates Crafty Friend’s FB Group.
▪Any new friend you’ve invited to the group in September, who places a $25.00 order, they will get an entry AND you’ll get an extra entry to the Prize Giveaway!
The above is in addition to pre-cut kits for qualifying SOTM orders, workshop guides for supplies you purchase from me, special VIP gifts and projects.
Thank you in advance for your help. You are amazing. Please have a creative day!

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