Amazing Deal! You are out shopping and decide to stop at Hobby Lobby (or Michael’s or Joann’s). Sitting at a table right inside the front entrance is a store employee who greets you. She tells you about the special they are currently offering. If you give me $35, I will give you a $35 Gift Card good for nearly 70% of our products. In addition, you will receive 22% of ALL our products until December 31st.
Would you do it? Knowing that you are trading $35 for $35 worth of products that you buy anyway PLUS a 22% discount with no additional shopping required. I know I would! Who doesn’t want a great discount for the price of nothing?*
Well, Close To My Heart is offering this exact deal now. If you join my team by August 31st for $35 as a Savings Club Member, you will immediately receive a $35 shopping certificate for most items. You will also receive a 22% discount on all items. You will have early access to the catalog that goes live September 1st.
Additionally, you will receive early access to the new catalog that comes out every 2 months – that is September 15th for the November 1st Holiday Catalog and December 1st for the January Catalog.
If you would like to read more about the $35 Savings Club offer, go here –
*I can’t take credit for this analogy as it was shared with me by another consultant and used with permission. Thanks for stopping by. Seriously, take advantage of the Savings Club . It’s an amazing deal!

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