This is Day 4 of the Boxing Day Sales. The savings and selection of sales items have been awesome. We are definitely closing out the year with some amazing savings from the Close To My Heart Boxing Week sale 2021!
This sale offers incredible deals each day from December 26 through December 31. With new offers posted daily at 12:00 am (MST) and expiring at 11:59 pm (MST) the same day, the Boxing Week sale provides an excellent opportunity for you to save on your favorite products, a selection of retired products, and an exclusive stamp bundle that will be available each day of the sale.
Things to remember:
• Sale prices for this sale are only available on orders placed through my Maker website during Boxing week.
• All discounted items ordered as part of the sales are commissionable and count toward earning VIP Bank Credit, Rewards Your Way rewards, and the Stamp of the Month at the discounted price.
• Shipping and handling will be based on the full retail value of sale items.
• Any items purchased using VIP Credit will be redeemed at the full retail price.
• All of these offers are only available while supplies last, and there is no grace period for placing orders, so be sure to place your orders before the sale ends!
To see which items will be discounted during the sales, visit the promotions page on my website at any time during the sale.
Enjoy the daily Boxing Week Sales and have a creative day,

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