Been a consultant before? I’m reaching out to you since a lot of you were, at one time or another on my team (1st through 4th downline are included in this email), to fill you in on the GOOD STUFF!! In 16 years, I don’t think I’ve seen such a great deal!! I’m so glad Corporate Office is listening to us about the Consultant Kits and team building rewards!
The new campaign is this:
- Starting April 1st, you can join as a consultant again for ONLY $75!!!
- Once you join, INSTANTLY, you will receive $50 of SPC (Special Product Credit), to pick the NEW items you want to have as part of your kit!! This goes for the BRAND NEW SEASONAL EXPRESSIONS ITEMS that will not be available to the public until May 1!!! PS- If we have Disney fans, you will SOOOO love the MAGICAL paper!!!
- The new consultant kit will include: A Medium Organizer, Sponge, Scissors, 3 Petite Perks, Paper Samplers, business forms, catalogs, & invitations!
- If you reach $150, you’ll receive $50.00 in SPC from me to use on replenishing your supplies (this is only offered through me, Linda Caler, and not CTMH)
- FREE Cricut Cartridge when you sell $350 in your first 30 days from when you get your Welcome email from Close To My Heart!!!
- If you promote (obtain a downline), you will get an ADDITIONAL $100 SPC when you promote to Sr. Supervisor, $250 CASH if you promote to Manager, $500 CASH if you promote to Ex. Manager, Sr. Ex. Manager, Director, and Sr. Director, and $1000.00 CASH if you promote to Ex. Director!!! HELLLO CASH!!!
As you obtain your Straight To the Top, you will receive even MORE SPC, plus the four goodies below!
Do NOT be intimidated by having to earn the $350 for your FREE Cricut Cartridge! I have a method I will be sharing with EACH of you to get to that $350 in your first 30 days so you can GET IT! AND-if you already have the Cricut Cartridges, you can get $100 SPC instead (or if you choose)!!!
If this got you super stoked and you wanna be a part of the WWStampettes Team for the first time or again, just respond to me and I will be SURE to reach out to you on April 1st!!! Remember, you will have access to multiple Facebook pages so that you can see everything going on! I also have access to all my kits that I sell of you ALL to utilize to build your business!!!! I still put out challenges, as does my upline, to earn free items!!!
If you are ready to go ahead and join on April 1st with the “Baby I’m Worth It” special, here is the link to go to!!!
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