Wow oh Wow is being on the team that wins Team Up at Convention so worth it!! My upline, Naomi Smith, won this for her first downline which included me!!
We had seating upfront for all the General Sessions and dinner with Monica and Brian. In addition, we got these awesome bag of goodness!!
It was all new product from the 2015-16 Annual Inspirations! *LOVE*!! I made a collage showing each on of the items with the exception of the new paper pack (full of the new colors! Yipeee!).
What fun. I think the best part was the dinner where you got a chance to slow down and visit with both Brian and Monica as well as all the rest of the team. This team is spread out from Coast to Coast. What an inspiration to get at least 10 of your downline signed up to go as you can be in the drawing!!
Thanks for stopping by!
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