March Madness for CTMH is joining our wonderful family and my team in March!! There is so much so goodness in this deal, I’m beyond amazed Close to My Heart is offering this!! So join the madness TODAY and get ready for some fun, exciting, and great times with CTMH and the WWStampettes (World Wide Stampettes) Team. Here are some fantastic reason to join:
1) You getting our new shoulder bag for FREE ($27.00 value – while supplies last). Right now, you can’t purchase this bag. I LOVE it. The grey on the bag is has soft suede feel. When I wear it out, I get compliments on it!
2) New Product and lots of it! When I say “new”, I mean brand new to all of us. The Season Expressions 2 is released today for all CTMH consultants to order from (it releases to customers on April 1, 2015). The kit you order TODAY will be full of this new product. Awesomeness!!! There are two different choices – one for the scrapbooker and one for the cardmaker/paper crafter and is only $99.00! The consultant kit has $350 of supplies in it.

3) The Rolling Tote Reward. I’m so super excited about this. You can earn this wonderful tote FREE ($149.95) when you submit $300 in sales your first 40 days. Never has this happened before!! What a deal!!
4) CTMH is a wonderful company to be a part of. They provide us with new, excellent products three times a year. CTMH is financially stable. CTMH loves their consultants, listens to them, and provides lots of training, support, and rewards while making things FUN!
5) Community. When you join us, you join a community of AMAZING! You receive support on a team level, consultant level, and company level. I’m often in awe of the creativeness of other consultants. You can get ideas from the various boards on Facebook and CTMH. There is training and challenges on a team and company level. I’d love to have you part of the team! Click on this link to learn more about my team!
Join today and let the magic and happiness begin!!
Have questions? Call (301.430.0606) or email me ([email protected])! I’d love to chat with you about this fantastic opportunity!!

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